YERUN Mobility Awards 2024

Apply by 30.11.2024

Privacy policy (Updated September 26, 2018)

The Young European Research Universities Network (hereinafter, YERUN) respects the privacy rights of the users of our website. This Privacy Policy applies to our website, and in particular to the data collected through the application for the YERUN Research Mobility Awards.

By using our website and by applying to the YERUN Research Mobility Awards, you acknowledge having read this Privacy Policy and that you agree with it. You also agree with the fact that during the evaluation process of your application to the Research Mobility Awards, your data will need to be kept by YERUN. Part of the data you provide will be used by YERUN for statistical purposes. In these analysis, anonymised and/or aggregated data will be used (never your name or email addresses) for evaluation and monitoring purposes. After the evaluation period of the Research Mobility Awards ends, you can withdraw your permission by addressing a request to If you would like to withdraw your data before that date, that will unfortunately lead to your inability to participate in any YERUN activities from that time.

YERUN will not send any personal data to any third persons for commercial reasons.

Your data will be kept for as long as YERUN exists and can be kept for up to 5 years afterwards. All personal data is stored in electronic form on the server hosting the website of YERUN. Access rights and controls are secured by the YERUN Office and granted to persons authorised to get access to the information. All persons granted access to your data are reminded to use these personal data only for the purpose for which they were granted access.

We may use the following third party services to store and process your data:
  • Onedrive, which we use for collaboration purposes in the YERUN Office. Read Microsoft policy.